Haunting Julia (1994)

World Premiere: 20 April 1994
Venue: Stephen Joseph Theatre In The Round, Scarborough
London Premiere: 27 May 2011
Venue: Riverside Studios, London
Play Number: 47
Published: Samuel French, Faber
Other media: Audio play
Short Synopsis: Twelve years after his daughter Julia's death, her father Joe still struggles to understand what happened to the prodigal musical genius. In the room where she died, a psychic, her boyfriend and Joe seek to find out the truth about her death, but some questions are better left unanswered.
Amateur: Apply to Concord Theatricals
Professional: Apply to Casarotto Ramsay
Haunting Julia quote
"No, listen. Just for a minute. Something comes through that door now, say. Say in the shape of Julia. Someone we know to have been dead for twelve years and there she is. Suddenly. Now I'm not saying this will happen, I'm just supposing this. What do we do?"
Haunting Julia
All research and original material in the Haunting Julia section of Alan Ayckbourn's Official Website is by Simon Murgatroyd M.A. and copyright of Haydonning Ltd. All other material is copyright of the named copyright holder. Please do not reproduce any material without permission of the copyright holder. For enquiries, email: archive@alanayckbourn.net